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Let’s talk about boilers, or more importantly gas safety. It’s probably the last thing on your mind, especially as we have got through winter and spring is on its way. Your boiler has done its job and kept you warm and toasty with plenty of hot water, but when was the last time you had it serviced? Has the boiler really done its job well? – by keeping you safe as well as warm, it is vitally important to get your boiler and gas appliances serviced once a year to ensure they continue to work properly. Even if the boiler is relatively new, as this keeps the manufacturer’s warranty active, and catches any potential issues early.

This advice applies whether you are a homeowner or rent a property.

If you rent a property it is your landlord’s responsibility to ensure an annual Gas Safety inspection is conducted and you have a copy of the certificate to prove it. A guide to landlord duties: Gas Safety (

As a Gas Safe registered engineer I offer annual boiler services and carry out gas safety inspections on behalf of landlords.

Therefore, if you are a homeowner and know it has been more than a year since you last had your boiler serviced get in touch and we can book you in.

Alternatively, if you rent your property and believe it has been more than a year since a Gas Safety inspection was carried out then get in touch with your landlord to get it booked in as soon as possible.

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